Das Zian network









Das Ammun Network


Release the network presents:

The 'Erloeser' (Saviour) - is there one today?
The text of this his version is nearly all in english, but not the links!

Written by: Alexander Kloos

- my newest project -

Erloeser.org watchs itself for the unification of the religions, as in the different religions a common thread is pointed out, which connects everything, and which would be unmarried not really recognizable, thus thus only in the union results in a sense. Since there were always prophets and holy ones, which said important and correct, so that one receives orientation to special technology and little science in a world without, is now the time, where one can replace faith by understanding and also knowledge. It is shown the fact that the Saviour is material and for the problems of this world a co-ordinator is available, which many of many unnecessary bad states release could, if that is desired, since it in a time of the abundance usually not the question “which” is, but “who determines, what” is to be done, since there are enough good solution types for the problems of the world it however because of it fails, what is accepted and converted now by all. Advancing to the topic for authentication (further!)







Made in Heidelberg:
Update: first: 2002 – 09 – 16
; last: 2005 - 03- 20, 2005-06-26, 2005-10-30, 2005-11-08, 2006-05-14, 2006-05-24, 2007-12-17 , 2010-07-24

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